Η ενότητα "Come as you are" προέκυψε από την ανοικτή πρόσκληση του project "Οι ζωές των άλλων" σε συνεργασία με το Festival Μηδέν, με την οποία καλούσαμε καλλιτέχνες απ' όλο τον κόσμο να μας στείλουν βίντεο με θέμα τη διαφορετικότητα. Την ενότητα επιμελήθηκε η Manuela Gascon, εθελόντρια στο Κέντρο Νέων Καλαμάτας μέσω ενός προγράμματος κινητικότητας νέων EVS. Τα έργα που επιλέχθηκαν εστιάζουν στη συνύπαρξη και τη διαφορετικότητα ή
καλύτερα στην αποδοχή του "άλλου". Η ενότητα προβλήθηκε στο πλαίσιο του Festival Μηδέν στις 6 Ιουλίου 2013.
Η Manuela Gascon γράφει σχετικά με τη θεματική της:
"Ένας πλανήτης, 7.129.317.147 κάτοικοι το 2013.
Πέρα από ένα πολιτιστικό υπόβαθρο, μια χώρα ή μια πίστη, ο καθένας έχει το δικό του προσωπικό παρελθόν, παρόν και μέλλον, και δημιουργεί τη δική του εμπειρία μέρα με τη μέρα. Αυτό είναι που κάνει τον καθένα από μας τόσο βαθιά διαφορετικό από τους άλλους. Η ταυτότητα μας εν μέρει χτίζεται από τη συμπεριφορά των άλλων προς εμάς. Ξεκινώντας από το γνωστό "ο καθένας είναι μοναδικός", ας καλωσορίσουμε όποιον θέλει να έρθει, όπως είναι."
Η ενότητα θα φιλοξενηθεί στη φετινή διοργάνωση του Espacio Enter, που θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο TEA (Tenerife Espacio de las Artes) απο τις 29 Νοεμβρίου έως την 1η Δεκεμβρίου 2013.
"Come as you are" is a screening program initially presented in the frame of Festival Miden, last July in Kalamata, presenting video works selected out of entries from all over the world, after an open call by "Lives of others" and Festival Miden. It is a special program that focuses on diversity and the acceptance of the “other”.
Manuela Gascon, an EVS volunteer at the Youth Center of Kalamata who curated the program, writes about her thematic:
"One planet, 7,129,317,147 inhabitants in 2013. Further than a culture, a country or a belief, everybody has his own past, present and future; and creates his own experience day by day. That is what makes each of us deeply different from the others. Our identity is partly built with the others’ behavior towards us. Starting from the famous “everybody is unique”, let’s welcome who wants to come, as he is."
"Come as you are" will travel to Tenerife, where it will be screened in the frame of Espacio Enter (29/11-1/12 at TEA-Tenerife Espacio de las Artes)
The videos that will be presented:
Η Manuela Gascon γράφει σχετικά με τη θεματική της:
"Ένας πλανήτης, 7.129.317.147 κάτοικοι το 2013.
Πέρα από ένα πολιτιστικό υπόβαθρο, μια χώρα ή μια πίστη, ο καθένας έχει το δικό του προσωπικό παρελθόν, παρόν και μέλλον, και δημιουργεί τη δική του εμπειρία μέρα με τη μέρα. Αυτό είναι που κάνει τον καθένα από μας τόσο βαθιά διαφορετικό από τους άλλους. Η ταυτότητα μας εν μέρει χτίζεται από τη συμπεριφορά των άλλων προς εμάς. Ξεκινώντας από το γνωστό "ο καθένας είναι μοναδικός", ας καλωσορίσουμε όποιον θέλει να έρθει, όπως είναι."
Η ενότητα θα φιλοξενηθεί στη φετινή διοργάνωση του Espacio Enter, που θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο TEA (Tenerife Espacio de las Artes) απο τις 29 Νοεμβρίου έως την 1η Δεκεμβρίου 2013.
"Come as you are" is a screening program initially presented in the frame of Festival Miden, last July in Kalamata, presenting video works selected out of entries from all over the world, after an open call by "Lives of others" and Festival Miden. It is a special program that focuses on diversity and the acceptance of the “other”.
Manuela Gascon, an EVS volunteer at the Youth Center of Kalamata who curated the program, writes about her thematic:
"One planet, 7,129,317,147 inhabitants in 2013. Further than a culture, a country or a belief, everybody has his own past, present and future; and creates his own experience day by day. That is what makes each of us deeply different from the others. Our identity is partly built with the others’ behavior towards us. Starting from the famous “everybody is unique”, let’s welcome who wants to come, as he is."
"Come as you are" will travel to Tenerife, where it will be screened in the frame of Espacio Enter (29/11-1/12 at TEA-Tenerife Espacio de las Artes)
The videos that will be presented:
1. Tim Hill, People Squeezing Through Small Gaps, UK 2012, 3.28
People squeezing through small gaps” is part of a collection of videos exploring our psychogeographical relationship with the city. The videos concentrate on minor disappointments and a sense of being lost in urban environments. This video candidly captures people not quite able to make it through small gaps unhindered. The banal situation and minor disruption create an amusing moment with which the audience can both empathise with and laugh at relating it to a feeling that pervades through life when systems don’t quite work for us.
2. Cat Del Buono, Now I’m Beautiful!, USA 2011, 1.31
This video uses performance and humor to show the absurdity of conforming to a certain idea of “beautiful” while commenting on plastic surgery.
3. Rosario
Cobo, The permanent Certainty, Chile 2012, 14.00
Fusion between documentary and experimental video based on still photographs taken during 2009-2010 in Villa Frei of Santiago de Chile, founded in 1969 a housing heir of modern architecture. The comprehensive urban planning behind the maze that has conditioned over time.
4. Marta Ivanova, Neckties, Lithuania 2012, 3.00
The projection “Neckties”consists of various scanned neckties.
5. Céline
Trouillet, SONG N°20, France 2012, 3.40
A young homeless Belgian sings "Knocking on Heaven's Door" in Flemmish, referencing a cover version by Guns 'n Roses of the Bob Dylan song. The morbid context presented in the song could equally serve as a metaphor for the state of Belgium today.
6. Filip Gabriel Pudło, The Collection, Poland 2010, 3.38
A video work in which games are played with classic portraiture conventions. It is suspended between the verges of photography and video while creating a parable between a photographic archetype, a classical portrait, tradition of a family album and contemporary images transmitted by media.
[AVRIL 2010] is the video of a performance realized through the streets of Montauban, France. It carries to the eye of a lambda public, crossed by chance during a non-premeditated wandering, the peculiarity of the main character.
8. Jared Katsiane, Big Willow , USA
2013, 10.29
My big brother has been friends with Willow for a long time. But today he got real scared that she wouldn’t be around much longer.
9. Aleksandra Godlewska, The Parable, Poland 2012, 3.37
This work uses stereotypical viewpoint of Western culture to Muslim culture. Especially it focuses to lives of Afghan women. This is a personal impression about Muslim culture.
10. Elena Gaztelumendi, Digital artist in 60.000 inhabitants town
(Serie: I’m compressed signal, I’m
technologic trash), Spain 2007, 0.35
Digital artist in 60.000 inhabitants town
11. Céline
Trouillet, SONG N°15, France 2012, 4.40
Farida is a singer went blind at the age of thirty, following an illness. She performs « My Heart Will Go On » by Céline Dion, the song featured in « Titanic », the last film she saw at the cinema before losing her sight.
12. Jolene Mok, SALGUOD SELYORB, USA 2012, 8.18
This is a short piece about Douglas Broyles, an elderly Durham resident who obsessively collects bizarrely beautiful objects and curates his own exhibitions within his old house.
As an obsessive moving images collector, I was not interested in documenting every single object in Douglas' infinite and ever-changing collection. I was simply fascinated, and hoping to visualize his way of seeing things.Ultimately, this is a documentary about how the parallel universes of two obsessive collectors collide.
13. Anton Hecht, Bus station sonata, UK 2012, 4.00
Commuters at a bus station in newcastle are asked to play a note or two with a pianist of Moonlight sonata. This is filmed and editied to make a composite player.
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