
Lasting - μια ενότητα βίντεο με θέμα την Τρίτη Ηλικία

Μια ενότητα βίντεο με θέμα μια άλλη ευαίσθητη κοινωνική ομάδα, την Τρίτη Ηλικία, που παρουσιάστηκε τον Ιούλιο στο Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Μεσσηνίας, σε συνεργασία του project "Οι ζωές των άλλων" και του Festival Μηδέν. 

Οι ανάγκες, οι αγωνίες, οι απολαύσεις και οι αδυναμίες των ηλικιωμένων ανθρώπων όπως παίρνουν μορφή στη φάση που ο χρόνος ολοκληρώνει το έργο του. 

Επιλογή-επιμέλεια: Μαργαρίτα Σταυράκη

1. Sarah Bijlsma, Age, Ολανδία 2012, 1.00

Age is a very short video about the perception of time and how we all grow old one day.

2. Djamo Daniel Nicolae, Menu, Ρουμανία 2011, 5.27

"Menu" is part of a larger project, named “Buni”, which is a journal of the last words, not a documentation of death, but a mere projection of what really matters. It underlines the immortality of the human experience with everything that surrounds him, the interior value that is never forgotten or lost, becoming the legacy of those who are near to us, those who we love. “Buni” is not a two year study of degradation, but everyone’s story, even if it appears in rather different shapes, written or rewritten with more or less talent. Buni raised me. Although we are not related, she was more than a mother to me. I started photographing her when I saw that he is poor in health. I felt I must do it. I couldn’t stay inert. In the summer of 2010 I felt that the photographic medium is poor, considering what I felt I would like to transmit to others. That is why I chose to continue what I felt I must do through video. It is obvious that a feeling cannot be transmitted in the sharpest, truly human and real form through the use of photography, film, or text. Nothing that is inside of us can be made VHS or DVD. “Buni” can only offer photocopied images of a story distorted by our own memories, becoming a reflection of ourselves in deformed mirror.

3. Dénes Ruzsa, 201.2FM, Ουγγαρία 2012, 5.37

Same crisis again. Something has been broken in our relationship with our surroundings and environment. The film shows that crisis is directing us toward a complete change.

4. Shabnam Piryaei, A Time to Speak, ΗΠΑ 2012, 5.49

A troubled boy crosses paths with an old man suffering from Alzheimer’s.

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